Math Curriculum - Elementary School

During elementary mathematics instruction, we are creating a positive and respectful climate for learning. The goal is to help students feel safe to engage in conversation around mathematical topics and support the development of social skills. Teachers build a community of learners with a mathematical mindset in which students persevere and learn from mistakes. Within the North Carolina Standard Course Of Study are the mathematical content standards and the Standards for Mathematical Practice (SMPs). The content standards provide a clear focus of content that must be mastered at each grade level.

  • Kindergarten-Second Grade Mathematics Standards

  • Third-Fifth Grade Mathematics Standards

The K-5 Parent Guides give a brief overview of the North Carolina Mathematics Standard Course of Study, relative content for each grade level including content from previous and subsequent grade levels, and strategies for parents to use at home and in partnership with schools.

Below you will find helpful websites that are perfect for supporting your child in mathematics instruction. 

Resources provided by:

NC Department of Public Instruction

Tools 4 NC Teachers