English Language Arts - Elementary School

students working on computers

  • Academic Services

  • English Language Arts Curriculum - Middle

  • English Language Arts Curriculum - High

During grades K-2, students are actively involved in a curriculum that is composed of the following strands: Literature, Informational Text, Foundational Skills, Writing, Speaking and Listening, and Language.  At this level, they begin to develop key skills that build a solid foundation for later years.  Students will begin to build their passion for reading by exploring printed texts, building their vocabulary skills, and learning effective reading strategies, as they learn to read and write.  Kindergarten, first grade, and second-grade parent guides can be accessed by clicking on the desired link below.  These guides will introduce you to the North Carolina standards and expectations for the desired grade level as well as provide resources for learning outside of the classroom. 

During grades 3-5,  students are actively involved in a curriculum that is composed of the following strands: Literature, Informational Text, Foundational Skills, Writing, Speaking and Listening, and Language.  At this level, activities and texts become more complex.  Students will begin to apply skills and strategies as they work towards mastery.  They progress through asking and answering questions, finding meaning within texts, developing a personal point of view, and the ability to read for sustained periods of time.  Students begin to comprehend texts and make connections while reading to gain deeper understandings as they are now reading to learn.   Third grade, fourth grade, and fifth-grade parent guides can be accessed by clicking on the desired link below.  These guides will introduce you to the North Carolina standards and expectations for the desired grade level as well as provide resources for learning outside of the classroom. 

NC Standard Course of Study: English Language Arts