Healthful Living Curriculum
The intent of the Healthful Living curriculum is to establish goals and objectives for behaviors that contribute to a healthy lifestyle. The curriculum’s focus is multi-dimensional, encompassing the well-being of the whole child. The total Healthful Living curriculum is a combination of two content areas: health education and physical education. The two courses complement each other. The curriculum provides students with a sequential education program that will involve learning a variety of skills that enhance the quality of life.
The Health Education component is comprised of the following five strands: Mental and Emotional Health; Personal and Consumer Health; Interpersonal Communication and Relationships; Nutrition and Physical Activity; and Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs. The Physical Education component of the curriculum is comprised of four strands, which address physical and social fitness, and four standards. The strands are as follows: Motor Skills, Movement Concepts, Health-Related Fitness, and Personal/Social Responsibility, The Healthful Living curriculum documents can be accessed by clicking on the desired links below. For more information about other facets of our Health Services department, feel free to visit the website
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Contact Us
2465 Gillespie Street
Fayetteville, NC 28303
Phone: 910-678-2420
Dr. Christine Catalano
Assistant Superintendent of K-12 Curriculum & Instruction
Charlene Board
Administrative Assistant
Phone: 910-678-2420