Science Curriculum - Elementary School

During grades K-2, students are actively involved in exploring phenomena in the natural world. At this level, they begin to develop simple skills of observation, measurement, and number sense as they actively participate in simple investigations. During investigations, students use tools such as magnifiers, thermometers, rulers, or balances to gather data and extend their senses. They are encouraged to communicate results and explanations of investigations and experiments. Kindergarten, first grade, and second-grade curriculum documents can be accessed by clicking on the desired link below.

During grades 3-5, strategies for finding solutions to questions improve as students gain experience conducting simple investigations and working in small groups. Students at this level are capable of asking questions and making predictions that can be tested. During investigations, students use more advanced tools to gather data and must keep accurate records and run enough trials to be confident of their results to test a prediction. They are encouraged to employ more sophisticated language, drawings, models, charts, and graphs to communicate results and explanations. Curriculum documents for grades 3-5 can be accessed by clicking on the desired link below.

Science Curriculum Organized by Strand – Grades K-8