Mentoring and Support

We know that you could have chosen many other places in which to begin your career so, how does Cumberland County Support New Teachers? Because we want our teachers to be successful in the classroom, we have designed the SUCCESS (Success Unlimited with Cumberland County’s Entry Support System) Program. Success Unlimited with Cumberland County’s Entry Support System. Cumberland County Schools believes that every teacher new to the profession deserves an opportunity for a successful start. The SUCCESS Program is designed to provide support during the certification process. All initially licensed teachers with less than three years of teaching experience are enrolled in SUCCESS, an induction program organized to assist teachers new to the profession as they develop decision-making skills for improving student learning.


  • To assist the new teacher in developing decision-making skills through staff development sessions related to effective instruction thereby improving student achievement.

  • To establish a collaborative professional team responsible for providing assistance and support. This team consists of a mentor, a lead contact and administrator at the school level, the ILT Coordinator, Mentor Facilitator, and Central Services Personnel.

  • To provide emotional support through SUCCESS sessions at the system level and one-on-one meetings with a mentor/team at the school level.

  • To increase career commitment through the retention of initially licensed teachers.

  • To assist teachers in meeting state-mandated requirements related to induction and certification.

  • To transmit the culture of the school and system through staff development sessions.

  • To encourage continuous professional growth.

There are several components of the SUCCESS program to assist you in your first three years of teaching:

Mentor Assignment:
A mentor will be assigned to you early in the school year. A retired teacher (PAL -Peer Assisted Learning) will be assigned to work with all first-year teachers at the school, along with a school buddy. During your 2nd and 3rd year, a school mentor will work with you.

The 3-day orientation at the beginning of the year will give you a jump start to curriculum and pedagogy to start the year off on the right foot. You will be compensated for these days if you have less than 6 months of experience once the state has issued your teaching license. This usually occurs in August before school starts. 

You will be observed at least three times by a qualified school administrator and at least once by a teacher. Systematic observations can ensure continued growth and success.

The Beginning Teacher Support Coordinator will visit you to address individual questions you may have. You can contact the Beginning Teacher Support Office for any concerns or questions at any time at (910) 678-8734 or email E-mail Kari Grates

Our local school supply store, School Tools, provides a $10.00 gift certificate for each of our first-year teachers. As you enter the exciting profession of teaching, you will begin a journey that impacts the 50,000  children of our county who are the future of our community. The Cumberland County School System wants to assist you in becoming “a life-long learner”, and to develop into a successful teacher through our new teacher support system and professional development. We are here to help you be a SUCCESS in the career of teaching.

Next Steps after  Beginning Teachers:
Cumberland County School is excited to offer a support network to assist 3rd-year teachers in transitioning to a clear license and pursuing National Board Certification. This year a book study will be held over the summer followed with a course on pursuing the certification.

For further information, please visit our Beginning Teachers Support Web Page.