Employee Benefits
Medical insurance is offered through NC State Health Plan to employees working 30 more hours per week in a permanent position. Employees also have the option to provide coverage for family members. Any applicable premiums are deducted from the employee’s earnings and are on a pre-tax basis unless requested otherwise.
This plan provides income for eligible State employees (>30 hrs/week) who become temporarily or permanently disabled for the performance of duties prior to retirement. Employees are eligible for short-term (one year) benefits after one year of contributions to the retirement system, and for long-term (indefinite duration) benefits after five years. Additional optional disability coverage is available through Olde Fayetteville Insurance and Financial Services, Inc. Premiums are deducted on an after-tax basis.
Cafeteria Plan:
Cumberland County Schools offers as a benefit to all full-time employees an opportunity to participate in the Cafeteria (“Flexible Benefits”) Plan. This plan is sanctioned by Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code and offers significant tax savings (federal, state, and FICA) on payroll deductions made under the Plan. Benefits available to employees under the Plan include Dental Insurance, Vision Insurance, Cancer & Specified Disease Insurance, and Medical and Dependent Care Expense Reimbursement.
Dental Insurance – contact Pam Edge in Benefits at 910-678-2321
Vision Insurance – contact Pam Edge in Benefits at 910-678-2321
Cancer & Specified Disease Insurance (contact – Olde Fayetteville 910-483-6210)
Medical/Dependent Care – (contact – Olde Fayetteville 910-483-6210)
Life Insurance:
Dearborn Life Insurance Company– CCS provides $10,000 term life coverage through Dearborn to every employee. Employees can purchase additional coverage for themselves ($10-150 thousand) through Dearborn on an age-based after-tax premium. Dependent coverage is also available at a standard after-tax premium. For additional information contact Pam Edge at 910-678-2321. Death claims should be filed in Human Resources with the Retirement Benefits Manager at 910-678-2640.
Retirement System:
The State’s retirement system (non-optional participation) is a benefit for permanent full-time employees, with costs shared by the employee (6%) and the State (set by the Legislature, subject to change). Deductions are on a pre-tax basis. At retirement, employees can receive monthly payments for life (based on salary, age, and years of creditable service) or can receive a contributions refund. Employees can also request a contributions refund upon employment separation. Contributed funds earn 4% interest after five years of employment. For additional information concerning retirement, visit the NC State Retirement System.
To schedule for upcoming retirement planning webinars and general information, visit the link below:
NC Department of State Treasurer
ORBIT – To access your retirement accounts, print estimates, etc., visit the link below:
Additional Information: Retirement Brochure and ORBIT Actives Flyer
Death Benefits:
If an employee with at least one year of contributions to the retirement system dies while in active service, his/her beneficiary receives a single lump-sum payment based on the employee ’s salary at the time of death; however, the payment will be no less than $25,000 and no more than $50,000. This benefit extends 180 days beyond the last date of employment. For questions and assistance with death claims, contact the Retirement Benefits Manager in Human Resources at 910-678-2640.
Supplemental Retirement Income Plan of North Carolina, 401(k)– The 401(k) Plan is designed to provide future retirees with a supplemental income in addition to state retirement. It allows employees to contribute to an investment program with deferred income taxes on both employee investment and income on investment until a later time. Tax Sheltered Annuities– A 403(b) Plan is a special type of retirement plan available only to employees of public schools and charitable organizations. This type of plan is also sometimes called a tax-sheltered annuity or “TSA ” plan. The payroll deduction is not subject to federal and state income taxes until the annuity and its earnings are withdrawn for the employee’s use. Federal and state taxes are deferred until retirement or such time that the employee removes the deposits from the “tax-sheltered ” annuity. Over 50 companies are available in the CCS. Savings Bonds– Series EE U.S. Savings Bonds may be purchased through payroll deduction at any time during the year. State Employees’ Credit Union– All employees, except individuals employed through contracted services, may join the North Carolina State Employees’ Credit Union. Through payroll deduction, employees can have money sent for loan payments or into a savings account. For assistance in establishing, changing or canceling a deduction, contact the Credit Union.
Annual Leave: Full-time employees earn annual vacation leave on a graduated scale based upon the length of total State service. Years of State Service Days Earned Per Month:
Less than 5 years-1.167
5 but less than 10 years-1.417
10 but less than 15 years-1.667
15 but less than 20 years-1.917
20 or more years-2.167
Part-time employees earn leave on a pro-rata basis of the amount earned by a full-time employee in that class of work.
Sick Leave:
Sick leave is earned by all permanent employees at the rate of one (1) day for each month the employee works at least half of the month.
Extended Sick Leave:
Under extraordinary circumstances, as determined by the employee’s immediate supervisor, non-licensed employees who have exhausted all available accumulated paid leave (sick leave, annual vacation leave, and bonus leave) may be granted up to 20 consecutive days of unpaid leave before being required to take a Board-approved leave of absence. Any unused portion of the 20 days will not carry forward to succeeding school years.
Personal Leave:
Personal leave is earned only by permanent full-time or part-time classroom teachers and media specialists who require substitutes. Personal leave is earned at the rate of .20 days for each full month of employment not to exceed two (2) days per year. Part-time classroom teachers and/or media specialists employees (53.3%) earn pro-rata personal leave. Personal leave may be accumulated for a maximum of (5) days. Thereafter, earnings will cease to be accumulated until the balance is reached below (5) days by the employee’s use. All personal leave must be authorized by the immediate supervisor. You must be in a leave-eligible position in order to use it.
Workers' Compensation:
Employees are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits if injured while carrying out activities assigned by their employer. All claims for work-related injuries or illnesses are processed by contract with Sedgwick. Both the employee and their supervisor should complete the Accident Investigation and Report of Injury form in relation to each claim. The completed form needs to be emailed to Risk Management. All medical treatment related to a work-related injury or disease is directed by the employer (NCGS 97-25). If the employee needs to seek medical treatment related to their injury, please contact the Risk Management Office FIRST prior to sending the employee anywhere. Questions or concerns related to workers’ compensation claims should be directed to Laura Young or Kimberly Lusignan in Human Resources at (910) 678-2591 or (910) 678-2338.
The approved medical treatment facilities include:
NextCare Urgent Care
217 Glensford Drive
Fayetteville, NC 28314
Telephone: (910) 483-4647
Fayetteville Ortho
1991 Fordham Drive
Fayetteville, NC 28304
Telephone: (910) 484-3114
Call first to verify hours
Quick Links
Contact Us
2465 Gillespie Street
Fayetteville, NC 28306
Phone: 910-678-2629
Fax: 910-678-2344
Ruben Reyes
Associate Superintendent