Classified Positions
Classified Positions- positions that do not require an instructional or administrative license. Some examples:
Teacher Assistant / Support Assistant, Physical or Occupational Therapists, Office Support or Clerk, Maintenance and Custodial Staff, Bus Driver
Required Documents for Applying to Classified Positions - ADVERTISED
*Advertised positions are those jobs posted on our Human Resources website, under Employment Opportunities. Please view the Job Vacancy Announcement (paperclip icon) carefully to see if additional documents are required. Additional Documents for “Advertised” jobs cannot be e-mailed.
NEW! Required Documents for “Advertised” jobs can no longer be e-mailed, faxed, or hand-delivered. Everything must be uploaded into the TalentEd application by the close date in order to be considered. For any issues with the TalentEd application, please contact TalentEd Tech Support at: 877-974-7437. Required Documents for Applying to Classified Positions - Non-Advertised *Non-Advertised means you complete the process for potential future non-advertised jobs a school or department will need. *Open Recruitment folders are used to apply to a job category making it easier for schools to find and hire a candidate by category.
Teacher Assistant / Support Assistant / Safe Schools Coordinators
*Upload all documents into the TalentEd application through the Portfolio icon. For any issues, contact TalentEd Tech Support at 877-974-7437.
Application Requirements: All applicants must upload a resume and one of the following to qualify
1. College transcript showing a degree was earned
2. College transcript showing at least 48 or more college-level courses completed (CCS HR does not count any remedial/pre-requisite courses) uploaded into the application.
3. College transcript showing at least 24 or more college-level courses completed (CCS HR does not count any remedial/pre-requisite courses) plus WorkKeys Assessments with passing scores. This includes: Workplace Documents (Reading)- Score of 4 or better, Business Writing - Score of 3 or better, and Applied Mathematics- Score of 4 or better.
Link to Site: WorkKeys
Custodial / Maintenance (Includes HVAC) Non-Advertised
*Upload all documents into TalentEd application- by going through the Portfolio icon. For any issues, contact TalentEd Tech Support at 877-974-7437.
Completed online application or updated an existing profile in TalentEd.
If the application profile has been created, log in and apply to the Open Recruitment -Custodian folder.
For HVAC- have a copy of your completed certification in this area -upload into the application.
The Schools or Department will contact you when a vacancy occurs and hire you directly.
Once a job has been offered, the Human Resources Department may Email for additional documents- check the SPAM folder.
Clerk / Office Support /Parent Facilitator- Non-Advertised
*Upload all documents into TalentEd application- by going through the Portfolio icon. For any issues, contact TalentEd Tech Support at: 877-974-7437.
If an application profile has been created, log in and apply to the Open Recruitment Clerical folder
Upload proof you are a high school graduate - Choices are: a copy of high school diploma, HS transcript, college transcripts, or copy of GED certificate.
For Safe School Coordinator, a degree is not required but a completed Bachelor’s degree will help your pay level- upload a legible copy of the official Bachelor’s transcript into the application.
Schools/Departments will contact you when a vacancy occurs and hire directly.
Once a job has been offered, the Human Resources Department may Email for additional documents- check your SPAM folder.
Additional Information on Applying in TalentEd- IMPORTANT -- Once documents are uploaded, they are automatically pulled for all jobs applied; no need to resubmit again via email or hand deliver. -- Documents will remain in the application until you remove it or replace it with something more current. -- For any application program issues such as uploading documents, forgot password issues, applying to a job, changing the email or name, updating phone numbers, duplicate application profiles, etc. contact Tech Support at 877-974-7437 -- Only use Google Chrome as the browser when accessing the application. -- When vacancies occur, interviews may be scheduled with selected applicants holding the proper qualification, provided all required information has been received. The completed application will be retained in active status for one calendar year. Final employment is contingent upon approval by the Cumberland County Board of Education.
"An Equal Opportunity Employer"
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Contact Us
2465 Gillespie Street
Fayetteville, NC 28306
Phone: 910-678-2629
Fax: 910-678-2344
Ruben Reyes
Associate Superintendent