Identification and Language Proficiency Testing

WIDA Screener  and WIDA Screener for Kindergarten

  • English Learner (EL) students are identified through a home language survey (HLS) process.

  • Eligibility for being assessed on the WIDA Screener(s) is based on the result of the HLS process.

  • Administered to all eligible, initially enrolled, EL students (Kindergarten through Grade 12) within thirty calendar days

  • Screener(s) determine if a student is identified as EL. If a student is identified as such, the screeners provide guidance concerning which tier/level of English language proficiency test should be administered to the student and determine eligibility for state testing accommodations.

  • All EL students must be annually assessed to determine progress and level of English language proficiency.


  • ACCESS is the state-designated annual English language proficiency test.

  • The test consists of four subtests: speaking, listening, reading, and writing.

  • All students identified as EL must take ACCESS or Alternate ACCESS annually.

  • Tests are required to be administered online.

  • Results from the test are used to measure the progress and proficiency of ELs in the English language.