High School State Assessments and Links

EOC (End of Course Tests)

  • Tests are given the last 5 days of the semester.

  • Tests are given for English II, Math 1, Math 3, and Biology.

  • Students enrolled in these classes for credit must take the appropriate EOC at the conclusion of the course.

  • English and Math Tests are aligned with the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. Biology is aligned to the North Carolina Essential Standards for Science.

  • English II contains multiple choice and constructed response items.

  • Math 1 includes both calculator active and inactive sections. It is also comprised of both multiple choice and technology-enhanced items.

  • Math 3 is entirely calculator active and is comprised of multiple choice and technology-enhanced items.

  • Biology includes multiple choice and technology-enhanced items.

  • Results from the EOC are required to be used as 20% of the final course grade.


  • Administered annually to all eligible 10th graders

  • Simulates the ACT in a shorter test form offering testing in English, reading, math, and science

  • Predicts future success on the ACT

  • Identifies particular strengths and weaknesses for discussions on academic supports, curriculum gaps, and/or advanced placement


  • Administered annually to all students enrolled in 11th grade in the Spring

  • Evaluates college and career readiness in English, reading, math, and science

  • Utilized for college admissions, placements, and scholarships  

  • Path to increase access to postsecondary and workforce opportunities

ACT WorkKeys

  • Required for all eligible Career and Technical Education (CTE) Concentrators

  • Assessments include Applied Math, Graphic Literacy, and Workplace Documents

  • Applied Math Test measures critical thinking, mathematical reasoning and problem solving techniques for the workplace

  • Graphic Literacy measures skills needed to locate, synthesize, and utilize information from workplace graphics

  • Workplace Documents measures the skills people use to read workplace documents and utilize that information to make job related decisions and solve problems.

  • Nationally recognized certificate provides employers with information on skill levels of potential employees.