Alternative State Assessments and Links
NCEXTEND1 Alternative Assessment
Designed for students with disabilities who
have a current IEP
have a significant cognitive disability
are enrolled in grades 3-8, 10, or 11
receive instruction in EXTENDED content and essential standards
Requires students to complete grade-level performance tasks
Administered during the same windows as state-designated tests
Includes testing in
Reading in grades 3-8, 10, and 11
Mathematics in grades 3-8, 10, and 11
Science in grades 5, 8, 10, and 11
College and Career Readiness Alternate Assessment (CCRAA) Grade 10
Designed as an alternate assessment for PreACT
Appropriate for students with disabilities in 10th grade who have an IEP and
exhibit pervasive delays in academic development, adaptive behaviors, communication, daily living skills, and self-care
following a course of study (Occupational Course of Study) that may not lead to a college-level course of study resulting in a college degree
are not receiving instruction in North Carolina EXTENDED Content Standards
have a written parent request for an alternate assessment or have CCRAA as the required assessment in their IEP
Contains multiple choice questions
Available online and in paper format
Administered at the same time as the PreACT in the fall
College and Career Readiness Alternate Assessment (CCRAA) Grade 11
Designed as an alternate assessment for the ACT
Appropriate for students in 11th grade who have an IEP and
exhibit pervasive delays in academic development, adaptive behaviors, communication, daily living skills, and self-care
following a course of study (Occupational Course of Study) that may not lead to a college-level course of study resulting in a college degree
are not receiving instruction in North Carolina EXTENDED Content Standards
have a written parent request for an alternate assessment or have CCRAA as the required assessment in their IEP
Contains multiple choice questions
Available online and in paper format
Administered at the same time as the spring accommodations testing window of the ACT
Alternate ACCESS for ELL's
Assessment of English language proficiency in students in grades 1-12 classified as English Learners (ELs) and have significant cognitive disabilities that prevent meaningful participation in ACCESS for ELLs test. Students must meet all of the following criteria:
Have an IEP reflecting student meets eligibility criteria for Alternate ACCESS for ELLs
Receive instruction in EXTENDED standards
Have a significant cognitive disability
Contains four assessment domains: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking
Listening and reading sections consist of multiple choice questions
Writing and speaking sections prompt students for a constructed response.
All sections are adaptive and stop presenting questions once a student reaches his/her performance ceiling.
Other unique features include simplified language, repetition of questions, increased graphic support, larger testing materials, and graphics.
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Contact Us
396 Elementary Drive
Fayetteville, NC 28301
Phone: (910) 829-4706
Fax: (910) 829-4705
Kimberly Nash
Assistant Superintendent