Alternative State Assessments and Links

NCEXTEND1 Alternative Assessment

  • Designed for students with disabilities who

    • have a current IEP

    • have a significant cognitive disability

    • are enrolled in grades 3-8, 10, or 11

    • receive instruction in EXTENDED content and essential standards

  • Requires students to complete grade-level performance tasks

  • Administered during the same windows as state-designated tests

  • Includes testing in

    • Reading in grades 3-8, 10, and 11

    • Mathematics in grades 3-8, 10, and 11

    • Science in grades 5, 8, 10, and 11

College and Career Readiness Alternate Assessment (CCRAA) Grade 10

  • Designed as an alternate assessment for PreACT

  • Appropriate for students with disabilities in 10th grade who have an IEP and

    • exhibit pervasive delays in academic development, adaptive behaviors, communication, daily living skills, and self-care

    • following a course of study (Occupational Course of Study) that may not lead to a college-level course of study resulting in a college degree

    • are not receiving instruction in North Carolina EXTENDED Content Standards

    • have a written parent request for an alternate assessment or have CCRAA as the required assessment in their IEP

  • Contains multiple choice questions

  • Available online and in paper format

  • Administered at the same time as the PreACT in the fall

College and Career Readiness Alternate Assessment (CCRAA) Grade 11

  • Designed as an alternate assessment for the ACT

  • Appropriate for students in 11th grade who have an IEP  and

    • exhibit pervasive delays in academic development, adaptive behaviors, communication, daily living skills, and self-care

    • following a course of study (Occupational Course of Study) that may not lead to a college-level course of study resulting in a college degree

    • are not receiving instruction in North Carolina EXTENDED Content Standards

    • have a written parent request for an alternate assessment or have CCRAA as the required assessment in their IEP

  • Contains multiple choice questions

  • Available online and in paper format

  • Administered at the same time as the spring accommodations testing window of the ACT


Alternate ACCESS for ELL's

  • Assessment of English language proficiency in students in grades 1-12 classified as English Learners (ELs) and have significant cognitive disabilities that prevent meaningful participation in ACCESS for ELLs test.  Students must meet all of the following criteria:

    • Have an IEP reflecting student meets eligibility criteria for Alternate ACCESS for ELLs

    • Receive instruction in EXTENDED standards

    • Have a significant cognitive disability

  • Contains four assessment domains:  Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking

  • Listening and reading sections consist of multiple choice questions

  • Writing and speaking sections prompt students for a constructed response.

  • All sections are adaptive and stop presenting questions once a student reaches his/her performance ceiling.

  • Other unique features include simplified language, repetition of questions, increased graphic support, larger testing materials, and graphics.