9-12 High School SAGES
General Information
Each high school offers the following service delivery models:
Enrichment Sessions – Identified students participate in enrichment sessions conducted by the AIG teacher to enhance their high school academic experience.
Academic Advisement – Identified students participate in group, as well as individual advisement activities with the AIG teacher.
Newsletters – AIG students receive quarterly newsletters from the AIG teachers filled with reminders of important test dates, college preparation advisement, student achievements/accolades, and other valuable information.
Advanced Curriculum Opportunities – The AIG Program expects identified AIG students to participate in the College Pathway Curriculum, taking as many challenging courses as possible. These include:
Honors Classes
Advanced Placement Courses
College Connections Courses
Online Courses
AIG students may participate in Schools of Choice Opportunities, including International Baccalaureate Classical Studies, Global Studies, and other various individual school Academies.
Quick Links
Contact Us
2465 Gillespie Street,
Fayetteville, NC 28306
Phone: 910-678-2422
Aritia Smalls
AIG Program Coordinator
9-12 High School SAGES Teachers