6-8 Middle School GEMS

General Information

Grades 6-8 GEMS (Gifted Education for Middle School)

In this service option, the identified students are clustered for instruction in math and/or reading with other academically capable students. The cluster classes are enhanced by more rigorous reading and math activities that extend beyond the NC Standard Course of Study. Cluster classes are taught by teachers who have successfully completed the local requirement, with guidance from the AIG licensed teacher. The school’s AIG teacher may teach one reading or math cluster class. The AIG teacher works with all cluster teachers at each grade level to provide differentiated lessons and activities that will enhance classroom units. 

Students participate in direct service with the AIG teacher in the areas of reading, math, critical and creative thinking, writing and digital competencies. The AIG teacher serves as an expert in the field, infusing rigorous differentiated curriculum and implementing best practices in gifted education.

IG students

IG students may be served through the regular classroom consultation, cluster class placement, and/or direct services depending upon strengths and interests as outlined in their IDEP. This can be done on an individual basis or with other identified students.

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2465 Gillespie Street,
Fayetteville, NC 28306

Phone: 910-678-2422

Aritia Smalls
AIG Program Coordinator

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