Section 504 Grievance Policy
Section 504 Grievance Policy
It is the policy of the Cumberland County School System not to discriminate on the basis of race, ethnic origin, sex, or disability in its educational programs, activities or employment policies as required by Title IX of the 1972 Educational Amendments, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and Title II of the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act. The Cumberland County Board of Education has adopted the following grievance procedures to comply with Title IX and Section 504 and ADA requirements.
I. Grievance Procedures – Title IX (omitted)
II. Grievance Procedures - Section 504
Students who believe that they have been discriminated against on the basis of a disability in the public school should first appear to the person designated in each school as the one responsible for hearing said grievances. If after appealing to the designated official, the student is dissatisfied, he/she may submit the request in writing to the Section 504 Coordinator for a review of the case. The Section 504 Coordinator or designee will arrange a conference with the student and render a written decision within ten (10) days, of the hearing. If the decision rendered by the Section 504 Coordinator is unsatisfactory to the student, the student shall, within ten(10) days, give written notice to the Section 504 Coordinator and request a review by the Superintendent. The Superintendent shall render his decision within ten (10) days of receipt of the grievance. If the decision rendered by the Superintendent is unsatisfactory to the student, the student shall, within ten days, give written notice to the Superintendent and request a review by the Cumberland County Board of Education. The Board of Education shall render its decision within thirty days of receipt of the grievance.