Regulation Code: 3620-R2 GPA Standard for Athletics and Co-Curricular Activities
Regulation Code: 3620-R2 GPA Standard for Athletics and Co-Curricular Activities
The Cumberland County school system has established standards for participation in interscholastic athletics and co-curricular activities that are reflected in Board policy. The purpose of this regulation is to put in place mechanisms for the implementation of those standards. The standard is a weighted 2.0 (average grade of 70) for the previous semester with the exception of a first-semester sixth grader.

A. Grade Point Average (Gpa) and Eligibility to Participate in Athletics and Co-curricular Activities
1. Prior to participation in athletics or co-curricular activities in grades 7-12, it is the responsibility of the school to assure that every student participating meets the academic standard required. For student activities covered under NCHSAA and DPI, students must meet both the course load requirement and the weighted GPA as required by CCS.
2. Eligibility of students in programs for Exceptional Children will be in accordance with local, state, and federal guidelines.
B. Credit Recovery
1. Courses are taken as part of the Credit Recovery Program under the guidelines of CCS, may be used to recover credit affecting eligibility for this procedure. A student who is not academically eligible at the beginning of the semester is not eligible at any time during the semester. (Exception: A student who receives an incomplete in a subject which causes them not to meet minimum scholastic requirements is ineligible until the course is satisfactorily made up and their eligibility is restored at that point.)
2. A student who is academically eligible at the beginning of the semester remains eligible academically throughout the semester. The student must meet the minimum requirement for course load and attendance. Participation in athletics and co-curricular activities is a privilege and not a right and therefore, the administration can remove a student from participation based on a violation of the Code of Conduct.
All schools are encouraged to develop a monitoring program that will, on a quarterly basis, determine the progress of a student toward eligibility. Students that are not making progress should be put on a supportive plan to help keep them eligible.
Approved by Superintendent: October 10, 2013 Revised: April 27, 2015
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Email Chad Barbour
Vashtina Bratcher
Administrative Assistant
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E.E. Smith High School
1800 Seabrook Road
Fayetteville, NC 28301
Office: 910-678-2445
Fax: 910-678-2612
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 2357
Fayetteville, NC 28302