Department Q & A
According to the NC Compulsory Attendance Law, what is a lawful/excused absence?
The state describes lawful absences as any of the following: sickness, quarantine, death in the immediate family, medical or dental appointments, court or administrative proceedings when the child is a party to the action, religious observances, and educational opportunities. When this happens, parents should write a note to the child's teacher that includes the child's name, the date(s) of the absence(s) and the reason.
Do school social workers take children away from their parents?
No. The Cumberland County School system employs 70 social workers to assist students and families with barriers to academic success. School social workers do not remove children from homes. However, as state employees, they are obligated to report suspected child abuse or neglect to the Department of Social Services.
It appears that some children in our neighborhood are not attending school. Who can I call?
Every school in Cumberland County has been assigned a school social worker to assist with these types of issues and various others. Concerned citizens may contact the school social worker at the school closest to your home by calling the school directly or visiting the school. You may also contact the CCS Social Work Coordinator at 910.678.2621
How do I contact a school social worker?
You can contact the school social worker by calling the school that your child or children attend
The only time we can take a vacation is during the school year. What should we do?
Communicate with the school prior to the absence and when you return. If you can demonstrate that the child will gain a valid educational opportunity from the trip, the principal may excuse the absence. This will also give you an opportunity to make arrangements for missed schoolwork.
Can you really go to court for school attendance?
Schools are required to notify parents and guardians once a student accumulates three, six, and ten unexcused absences. There are times when parents are not aware that their children have been absent from school. Further, this gives parents an opportunity to correct the situation. Once a child accumulates ten unexcused absences and the school meets the requirements of the law, the District Attorney's Office will be contacted to consider court action. While it is possible to pursue court action, the main priority of CCS is to provide learning for all students.
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Contact Us
2465 Gillespie Street
Fayetteville, NC 28306
Phone: 910-678-2621
Fax: 910-678-2617
Pamela Story, Coordinator