Department FAQs

Who is the school psychologist for my child's school?

Our school psychologists serve multiple schools throughout the district.  Please click the link below to find your school psychologist.

Psychologist Assignments 2024-25

How do I request an evaluation for special education services?

If you suspect that your child has a disability and would like to have him/her evaluated, please contact your child's school Exceptional Children's case manager.

Who do I contact if I have a concern about my child's learning or behavioral development?

Each school has Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) which provides leveled academic and behavioral/emotional support to students experiencing school difficulties.  Contact your child's school MTSS chairperson.

What counseling services may be provided by the school psychologist?

School psychologists can provide short-term solution-focused counseling services to students.  These services may include small-group counseling or individual counseling.

What is the Student Services Team?

Every school in CCS has a Student Services Team (SST) in place.  The SST is a regular education process to address and resolve barriers to teaching and learning.  The SST consists of educators from a variety of professional backgrounds such as counseling, social work, psychology, speech and language pathology, health, school administration, and regular education and special education teachers.  For additional information, please visit our Student Services site.