CCS Central Records

The Central Records office maintains records of all CCS high school graduates, and the inactive records of all students that have withdrawn from CCS.


Central Records does not receive student records until:

  • 1 year after a student has graduated

  • 3 years after a student has withdrawn from CCS

  • If your student is currently enrolled in a Cumberland County School, Central Records will not have your records.

If any of the above applies, then you must request your records from the school you last attended, or where you are currently enrolled.

Online Requests:
Online purchases may be made with credit and debt cards. Employers needing verification of graduation must submit an online request. Please click on the link below.

In-Person Pick Up:
Once online application is completed you may pick up records in person, Monday - Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm (Current, valid photo ID is required)
A parent is the only other person allowed to sign for a record.  Please have proof of parenthood such as your birth certificate or their name must be on your school record.

In order to locate your record, we must know the following:
Full name (maiden if female)
Date of Birth
High School Graduated From (or last Cumberland County School attended)
Year of Graduation or last year and grade attended

Cost for Transcripts:
A fee is charged to copy and mail records. At the present time that amount is $10.00.(per copy)
Online Request ONLY!
If having issues with placing an online request please call 910-678-2501 or 910-678-2528.

Scribble Tech Support:

For technical support during the application process, contact
Scribbles Software: Call 1-855-465-1458 or Email:
Email Help

Cumberland County Schools Central Records DO NOT have copies of Diplomas.  Contact your graduating school for information regarding ordering replacement copies.

Quick Links

Contact Us

Dr. Theresa Perry
Email Dr. Theresa Perry
Executive Director - Academic and Instructional Systems 

Laura M. Walters
Email Laura M. Walters
Administration Assistant - Academic & Instructional Systems