Student Resources
Eagles Soaring to Higher Expectations!!
Success + Optimism = Achievement + Reward
This publication provides ready-to-use, hands-on activities for students and teachers
explaining what happens during an earthquake, how to prepare for earthquake
shaking, and how to stay safe during and after an earthquake.
Youth Emergency Preparedness Curriculu/site/Default.aspx?PageID=1743m: Ready Kids
Emergency preparedness curriculum for grades 1-12 that teach kids what to do before, during, and after an emergency while fostering critical 21st-century skills such as problem-solving, teamwork, creativity, leadership, and communication.
Cumberland County Schools is dedicated to providing gifted students the opportunity to become independent learners and decision makers who recognize their potential and responsibilities in a changing global society. The school system is committed to providing a rigorous and innovative instructional program that fosters the highest level of excellence and recognizes the right of each student to receive intellectual challenge appropriate for his/her capabilities.
Destiny is a web-based library program. Students and parents can access the Nick Jeralds Middle School library database to see what materials and resources are available for students to check out and use while at school.
Dress Code for Students
School dress contributes to the school atmosphere. A clean, neat, appropriately dressed student suggests that he/she respects himself in a way designed to win respect from others. Students are advised to dress with good taste, and any student who arrives at school dressed inappropriately will be asked to change into appropriate attire. As you are aware, fads change; often; therefore, this policy will be updated as necessary. The following applies to all students:
Dress Appropriately.
Nothing will be worn that will be offensive to any race or sex, or which displays profanity in any form.
Sunglasses and hats are not to be worn in the building unless prescribed by a doctor. These will be confiscated if worn.
Shoes should be worn at all times in the building and on campus. Bedtime slippers or flip-flops are not to be worn during school hours. Also, bedtime clothing or any clothing resembling bedroom attire is prohibited.
Jeggings are permissible as long as consideration is taken for appropriate school dress. (This is subject to administrative action if not appropriate.)
Torn, ripped jeans or pants are not permitted when skin, flesh, or body parts are visible; leggings must be worn underneath to cover the the skin.
The body's midsection is to be fully clothed, and A-line t-shirts are not to be worn without a shirt or jacket to cover it.
Pants do not sag below the hip area.
Blouses and tops should cover the shoulders and lower chest area.
Shorts or skirts should be no shorter than 2" above the knee. Daisy Dukes or short shorts are not permitted.
Tank tops with straps less than 1" inch are not to be worn. Armholes must fit closely to the armpits.
Hats, caps, scarves, bandannas, handkerchiefs, knit caps/hats, or head coverings should not be worn in the school building.
Female students are not permitted to wear spaghetti straps on dresses, shirts, or camisoles unless they are covered with a sweater or jacket.
Any other items deemed inappropriate by the administration.
21st Century Learning Gaining Early Awareness & Readiness for Undergraduate Programs Fayetteville State University has been awarded a Federal 21st Century Learning Partnership Grant in the amount of $5,963,825.00 over six years. The goal of 21st Century Learning is to provide early college preparation and awareness services through comprehensive mentoring, tutoring, counseling, outreach, and other supportive services for students, educators and parents. The support services will enhance students' academic skills, encourage educators to use more rigorous academic standards, and involve parents in the education of their children. The Program seeks to significantly increase the number of low-income students enrolling in and completing college.The 21st Century Learning Partnership includes the following local entities: Fayetteville State University, Cumberland County School System, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Southern Regional Area Health Education Center (AHEC), Cape Fear Valley Medical Center, Fayetteville Technical Community College, and Advancement via Individual Determination (AVID). 21st Century Learning has partnered with the following local schools: Luther "Nick" Jeralds Middle, Westover Middle, and Anne Chesnutt Middle schools to help prepare our youth for college. 21st Learning Century provides services and activities that will enable students and families to learn about and plan for college earlier. 21st Learning Century uses a systemic approach that involves students, families, K-12 schools, colleges, businesses and community-based groups.
Our menus are developed by a committee of Cumberland County School cafeteria managers with guidance from our registered dietitian. Luther Nick Jeralds Middle School will participate in the Community Eligibility Program (CEP) for the 2024-2025 school year. This program will allow all students enrolled in our school to receive a free breakfast and lunch each day during the 2024-2025 school year.