School Profile
Grades 6 – 8
Traditional 10 – Month Calendar
Cultural/Performing Arts
Phone: 910-864-1407
Fax: 910-864-8298
The administration of Lewis Chapel Middle School is dedicated to developing the fullest potential of all of our students.
Recognizing that each student is unique, we are committed to the middle school concept, using effective techniques that will ensure progress and success for each student. In cooperation with home and community, we strive to emphasize tolerance and respect for others and encourage a positive self-concept.
At a time when our students are experiencing rapid changes in their development, we strive to have a diversified curriculum that will encompass the interests, needs, and aspirations of all of our students. We believe the middle school curriculum should be flexible enough to allow for different rates of growth in attaining the skills and attitudes needed for students to develop into productive citizens in a changing society. Our curriculum should help our students attain maximum use of intellectual, creative, and physical potential.
At Lewis Chapel Middle School, we feel that it is imperative that our personnel be qualified, dedicated, and cognizant of the dignity and worth of each individual. We have a school-wide focus on active engagement, data-driven decision making, differentiation of material to fit the individual student, rigor throughout the curriculum, bell-to-bell instruction, and an overall positive emotional climate throughout the school. Lewis Chapel Middle School strives to be a place where all students and staff want to learn and teach – this will ensure our success.