GCMS Dress Code for 2024-2025

Students should dress appropriately for school each day. The clothing should not be a distraction in the learning environment and should be comfortable for all school activities. The education of our students is our highest priority and students’ clothing should not serve as a hindrance to that purpose. Clothing must cover all undergarments and the midriff. Logos or garments that promote alcohol, drugs, tobacco, gang affiliation, nudity, or profanity are not allowed.
Earbuds and headphones are not allowed.
Students must wear shoes at all times. Bedroom slippers and flip-flops will not be permitted.
Shorts and skirts should be fingertip length all the way around at all times.
Students may not wear halter tops or tube tops. See-through clothing is allowed provided students wear a solid fabric underneath. The necklines of shirts and blouses must not expose cleavage.
Females may wear sleeveless tops and tank tops with shoulder straps that are at least 2 inches in width.
Males may not wear sleeveless or cutoff/altered tops. T-shirts with sleeves must be worn under basketball jerseys.
Clothing must not be excessively tight. (Ex. Bicycle shorts, yoga pants, leggings, jeggings). If wearing leggings/jeggings, students must have a shirt that is fingertip length at all times.
Clothing must be worn so that it does not expose undergarments or navels. Sagging will not be allowed. Pants must be worn around the waist. Students wearing pants below the waist will require a change of clothes.
Pants with rips or holes above fingertip length may be worn ONLY if leggings are worn under the pants. Rips or holes below fingertip length are permitted.
Sunglasses, bandanas, do-rags, and headgear, including ears, may not be worn in the building. Students may not possess or display bandanas on GCMS property (including buses) at any time during the day. Bandanas may not be worn as headbands.
Students may not wear chains, wallet decorations, or other pocket accessories.
Jewelry or accessories that could be used as a harmful objects, such as spikes or chains, may not be worn.
Clothing, jewelry, or other accessories depicting alcoholic beverages, weapons, controlled substances, or anything obscene or offensive in nature will not be worn.
Bedroom clothes, pajamas, lounge pants, undergarments, slippers, or anything that resembles bedroom attire may not be worn (boxers, long johns, pajamas, undershirts).
All heavy/long coats must be kept in students’ lockers during the day.
All items of a fad nature or deemed as a distraction to the learning environment (to be determined by the administration) are prohibited on the school campus.
No hoodies on the head.
Blankets are not allowed.
The final judgment is left to the school administration. Parents of students who are in violation of the school dress code will be called to provide appropriate clothes. Students will be held in ISS/RJC until the appropriate clothes are provided. If you think your item or outfit might be questionable, then choose to wear something else!