School Profile

Grades: Pre-K-5

Traditional 10 – Month Calendar


Phone: 910-424-0145
Fax: 910-424-7359

It is important for you to know that the administration, faculty, and staff of Baldwin Elementary have a vision of providing THE BEST education possible for children!

  • We take our job seriously while loving every minute of our work; working together for continuous improvement for EVERY child to be successful is exciting, challenging, and fun.

  • We believe and expect high academic, social, physical, and emotional growth for ALL Baldwin students.

  • We are committed and dedicated to providing a safe, and caring environment that is appealing to children and adults where character and emotional support is demonstrated as a core belief.

  • We know that creative, curious minds are developed through rigorous, challenging, educational experiences.

  • We are proud of the families who contribute their time, talents and resources to making our school GREAT.

At Baldwin Elementary School we strive to demonstrate quality learning with effective, challenging, experiences in a caring climate of respect and concern for all.