Potty Training Tips
Potty Training Quiz Take this quiz to see if your child is ready to start potty training.
When to Start Potty Training There are a lot of aspects to consider, including age and certain behavioral and physical milestones that your child should be able to do before you start.
Potty Training Children with Special Needs On-line article from About.com Pediatrics.
Toilet Training a Child with Special Needs On-line article from Rifton.com
Teaching a Basic Function On-line article exploring several techniques to use when toilet training children with cerebral palsy, by Ginny Paleg, PT
Encouraging Independence - Potty Training For children to be motivated to master the potty, they must be able to take pride in achievements that make them more independent.
Potty Training Information and Advice Some potty training tips to help you avoid common mistakes and help make sure your child has good potty training experiences.
Steps to Independence Book by Bruce L Baker and Alan J Brightman
Toilet Training Without Tears Book by Barton D. Schmitt, MD
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Early-In Special Education Preschool
396 Elementary Dr
Fayetteville, NC 28301
Phone: 910-484-6761
Fax: 910-484-6956
Shanaira Walker, Program Specialist
Exceptional Children's Services
2465 Gillespie Street
Fayetteville, NC 28306
Phone: (910) 678-2440
Fax: (910) 678-2620
Ayanna Richard
Executive Director
John A. McMillan