Positive School Culture (PBIS)

children hugging each other

A prominent undertaking within Cumberland County Schools centers on nurturing a positive school culture by effectively implementing Positive Behavior Interventions and Support, commonly referred to as PBIS. As we transition to a Multi-Tiered System of Support designed to ensure the academic achievement of all students, we recognize the need for a parallel system of support to address student behavior. Across our district, every school adopts a holistic approach, incorporating school-wide expectations, interventions, and recognition systems. The application of these strategies is meticulously tailored to bolster positive student outcomes while curbing undesirable behaviors. We firmly believe that with these established structures in place, all students can thrive not only academically but also socially and emotionally.

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Contact Us

2465 Gillespie Street
Fayetteville, N.C. 28348

Phone: 910-678-2423
Fax: 910-678-2493

Dr. Melody Chalmers McClain
Associate Superintendent

Samantha Sheppard
Administrative Assistant