Overview of the Cumberland County Schools World Language Program
The World Language Essential Standards curriculum is comprised of four standards and three strands. Clarifying objectives have been developed by the standard for each of the three strands. The four standards are as follows:
Use the language to engage in interpersonal communication.
Interpersonal skills are used in informal, one-on-one, or small group conversations. Students can ask for clarification when needed.
Understand words and concepts presented in the language.
Interpretive skills involve receiving information in a situation where meaning cannot be negotiated. Students hear or see the message and respond based on their interpretation.
Use the language to present information to an audience.
Representational skills involve preparing information to be shared with an audience. Students draft, revise, and practice presentations that show their use of language.
Compare the students’ culture and the target culture.
Learning about culture means building an understanding of the practices, perspectives, and products of a society.
The three strands upon which the Essential Standards curriculum is anchored are summarized as follows:
Connections to language and Literacy (CLL)
The world language being studied helps students develop a greater understanding and insight into the nature of language and culture.
Connections to Other Disciplines (COD)
Studying a world language involves making connections with other academic disciplines, formally and informally.
Communities (CMT)
Students preparing for success in the 21st century need to access knowledge and information from other communities, and use that information to function well with people from diverse backgrounds.
The North Carolina Standard Course of Study in World Languages focuses on developing proficiency. The seven levels of proficiency range from Novice Low to Advanced Low. The proficiency level achieved is directly linked to the amount of time spent learning the language. At the secondary level, the number of instructional hours required for each as students move progressively from step to step is as follows:
Level I: 135-150
Level II: 270-300 (total hours including Level I time)
Level III: 405-450 (total hours including Levels I and II)
Level IV: 540-600 (total hours including Levels I-III)
Level V: 675-750 (total hours including Levels I-IV)
Level VI: 810-900 (total hours including Levels I-V)
Level VII: 945-1,050 (total hours including Levels I-VI)
Level VIII: 1,080-1,200 (total hours including Levels I-VII)
In the Cumberland County School System, students may begin the study of a world language as early as kindergarten. However, the program of study, unless total immersion is in effect, is less formal than offerings in middle school and high school and serves as an introductory model into language studies. There are six unique language programs under the umbrella of World Languages:
Arabic – Levels I-IV
Mandarin Chinese
– Immersion K-1
– FLES K-5
– Exploratory 6
– Middle School 7-8
– Levels I-AP Language and cultureFrench
– Exploratory 6
– Middle School 7-8
– Levels I-IV and IBGerman – Levels I-IV and IB
– Exploring 6
– Middle School 7-8
– Levels I-AP
– Immersion K-5
– FLES K-5
– Exploratory 6
– Middle School 7-8
– Spanish for Native Speakers, Levels I and II
– Dual Immersion 6-8
– Levels I-VI
– AP Language and Culture and IB
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2465 Gillespie St.
Fayetteville, NC 28306
Phone: 910-678-2407
Fax: 910-678-2666
Jinghong Qi
Curriculum Specialist
Email Jinghong Qi