Middle School Arabic Courses
Exploring Middle School World Language and Culture (9-Week Course)
(Arabic, Mandarin Chinese, French, Latin, and Spanish – These courses may vary by school)
This introductory course is for students who do not wish to start the high school sequence, but would like to begin learning world languages and cultures in middle school. It is not a prerequisite for any other World Language course and does not allow a student to earn high school credit. This course should be taken only once during middle school. The course allows students to perform basic functions of the language being studied using increasingly complex structures as the student becomes familiar with some detailed elements of the culture. The emphasis is placed on the ongoing progressive development of listening, speaking, reading, writing, and viewing skills within a given context extending outside of the classroom setting. The context focuses on adolescents’ lives, needs, and experiences but also expands to other aspects of life and exposes students to a variety of customs and lifestyles. Grammar is integrated throughout the course and is based on thematic units.
Arabic I, Part I
Arabic I, Part I is offered as the first part of a two-part series to enable motivated students to begin their world language studies at the 7th-grade level. This course is offered for students with limited or no previous experience in Arabic. This course gives students a solid foundation in understanding, speaking, reading, and writing the target language and to acquaint them with foreign cultures so that they may acquire better insight into themselves while developing a greater depth of understanding of the world in which they live. A proficiency exam will be given at the end of the course.
Arabic I (HS Credit)
Arabic I is an introductory course. This course introduces the fundamental elements of the modern standard Arabic language within the cultural context of Arabic-speaking people. Emphasis is placed on the development of basic listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Upon completion, students should be able to comprehend and respond with grammatical accuracy to spoken and written Arabic and demonstrate cultural awareness. The course must consist of 135 instructional hours on a block schedule or 150 hours within a traditional schedule. A proficiency exam will be given at the end of the course.
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2465 Gillespie St.
Fayetteville, NC 28306
Phone: 910-678-2407
Fax: 910-678-2666
Jinghong Qi
Curriculum Specialist
Email Jinghong Qi