Mathematics Curriculum - High School

High School Mathematics 

North Carolina's Standard Course of Study defines the appropriate content standards for each grade level and each high school course to provide a uniform set of learning standards for every public school in North Carolina. These standards define what students know and should be able to do.  Within the NCSCOS are the mathematical content standards and the Standards for Mathematical Practice (SMPs). The content standards provide a clear focus of content that must be mastered at each grade level, 6-8.  High School Standards specify the mathematics all students should study to be college and career-ready. They are organized by conceptual categories or themes: Number and Quantity, Algebra, Functions, Modeling, Geometry, and Statistics and Data. Equally important are the Standards for Mathematical Practice, describing the behaviors or ‘habits of mind’ of mathematically proficient students.  

High School Math Curriculum 

Math 1, Math 2, Math 3 & Math 4 are a sequence of courses that build upon the foundation established in elementary and middle school. These courses develop mathematics across multiple categories, continue to promote diverse mathematical insights and nurture differing strengths and talents. The justification for transitioning to Math 1,2, 3 & 4 is that research shows that students learn through progressions. They acquire new knowledge by building upon previously learned concepts while gaining greater depth and complexity at each level. In elementary and middle school, students learn mathematics through progressive inter-connected mathematical ideas, and Math 1, 2, 3 & 4 continue this cohesive approach throughout a student’s high school career. This approach to K-12 mathematics instruction better prepares students to be college and career-ready upon graduation.

NC Math 1 Standards

NC Math 1 provides students the opportunity to study concepts of algebra, geometry, functions, number and operations, statistics, and modeling throughout the course. These concepts include expressions in the real number system, creating and reasoning with equations and inequalities, interpreting and building simple functions, expressing geometric properties, and interpreting categorical and quantitative data. 

NC Math 2 Standards

NC Math 2 continues a progression of the standards established in Math 1. In addition to these standards, Math 2 includes polynomials, congruence and similarity of figures, trigonometry with triangles, modeling with geometry, probability, making inferences, and justifying conclusions. 

NC Math 3 Standards

NC Math 3 progresses from the standards learned in Math 1 and Math 2. In addition to these standards, Math 3 extends to include algebraic concepts such as the complex number system, inverse functions, trigonometric functions, and the unit circle. Math 3 also includes the geometric concepts of conics and circles.

NC Math 4 Standards

The primary focus of this course is on functions and statistical thinking, continuing the study of algebra, functions, trigonometry and statistical concepts previously experienced in NC Math 1-3. The course is designed to be a capstone to introductory statistical concepts. Additionally, the course intentionally integrates concepts from algebra and functions to demonstrate the close relationship between algebraic reasoning as applied to the characteristics and behaviors of more complex functions. In many cases, undergraduate students majoring in non-STEM fields will take an entry-level Algebra or Introductory Statistics course. Students will be prepared for college-level algebra and statistics or as a bridge to prepare students for Precalculus or other advanced math courses.

NC PreCalculus Standards

The purpose of Precalculus is to build upon the study of algebra, functions, and trigonometry experienced in previous high school mathematics courses. This course will build on students’ algebraic skills and understanding of functions to delve into real-world phenomena and to deepen understanding of the functions in the course. This course is designed for students pursuing careers in STEM-related fields. Students will be prepared for Calculus, AP Calculus and any entry-level college course.

Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Standards

The purpose of this course is to introduce discrete structures that are the backbone of computer science. Discrete mathematics is the study of mathematical structures that are countable or otherwise distinct and separable. The mathematics of modern computer science is built almost entirely on discrete mathematics, such as logic, combinatorics, proof, and graph theory. At most universities, an undergraduate-level course in discrete mathematics is required for students who plan to pursue careers as computer programmers, software engineers, data scientists, security analysts and financial analysts. Students will be prepared for college-level algebra, statistics, and discrete mathematics courses. 

Additional courses include AP Calculus AB & BC, AP Statistics and Foundations of Math courses. 

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2465 Gillespie Street
Fayetteville, NC 28303

Phone: 910-678-2420

Dr. Christine Catalano
Assistant Superintendent of K-12 Curriculum & Instruction

Charlene Board
Administrative Assistant