Behavioral & Mental Health Framework

The Cumberland Commitment: Strategic Plan 2026 outlines four strategic priorities to enable the mission and vision of Cumberland County Schools (CCS). Priority 3, Exceptional Environment, directs the district to develop a behavioral and mental health framework to address students' individual needs and support the whole child.
The Framework is a roadmap for proactive strategies and interventions to prevent crises and support students in managing challenges. It is guided by trauma-sensitive approaches, restorative practices, and an equitable, inclusive environment, applying MTSS and research-based best practices to behavior, mental health, and social-emotional well-being.
Trauma-sensitive schools integrate seven core principles into their daily operations: staff understanding trauma's impact, prioritizing healing relationships, ensuring safety, holistic student perspectives, empowering choice, fostering cultural competence, and collaborating. This foundation fosters a supportive culture for all students, aiding staff in identifying those requiring additional support. Trauma exacerbates equity issues by affecting behavior, learning, and relationships. Combining trauma sensitivity, restorative practices, and equity and inclusion prioritizes relationship-building and community. This environment supports students in reaching their academic and social potential, as positive school connections correlate with success.
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2465 Gillespie Street
Fayetteville, N.C. 28348
Phone: 910-678-2423
Fax: 910-678-2493
Dr. Melody Chalmers McClain
Associate Superintendent
Samantha Sheppard
Administrative Assistant