About CCS Grants and Media Services
Grants Management Coordinator Roles and Responsibilities
The CCS Grants Management Coordinator actively seeks supplemental funding for a wide range of
programs to support the mission and vision of the Cumberland County Schools.
To facilitate supplemental funding for innovative programs, the Superintendent’s Goals, and increase
CCS educators’ skills as they respond to grant opportunities, the Grants Management Coordinator will:
Identify and Disseminate Grant Information
Search for and identify a broad range of grant opportunities (competitive, entitlement, and
collaborative grants; federal, state, local, and foundation funding sources), and innovative
programs.Inform Central Services staff and School-Based Grants Contacts of funding opportunities.
Develop and Assist with Proposals
Support the CCS School-Based Grant Contacts.
Develop, design, and submit system-level grant proposals that support the mission and goals of
the CCS.Assist individuals and groups as they develop grant proposals.
Work directly with the Finance Office in the preparation of budgets for grant applications.
Collaborate with CCS staff to develop new proposals.
Edit and review grant proposals, reports, and documents.
Facilitate the efficient flow of grant information and notifications throughout the district.
Assist with Superintendent and Board Approval Process
Assist in presenting grants over $5,000 to the Grants Management Committee.
Superintendent approval may be required for grants depending on the grant criteria. Board of
Education approval may be required depending on the grant funding criteria.
Collaborate with Community Partners
Network with community agencies, businesses, and institutions of higher education in the joint
development of grant proposals that align with CCS Vision and Goals.Provide information for and respond to requests from schools, community members, and
community agencies.
Provide Professional Development
Conduct workshops for central office, administrative, and school staff on grant development,
writing, and management.Provide one resource notebook to School-Based Grants Contacts and District Grants Team.
Grant Management
Maintain all grant files (program and financial reports, program director contact information).
Store and update grant project manager contact information (phone, email).
Contact grant project managers on a quarterly basis to monitor grant implementation.
Assist grant project managers with required grant progress and final reports.
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Contact Us
810 Gillespie Street
Fayetteville, NC 28305
Phone: 910-678-2505
Craig Wilson
Email Craig Wilson